Dr. Zsuzsanna Éva Monori research associate


Dr. Zsuzsanna Éva Monori media law expert, working at the Institute for Media Studies of the NMHH. After obtaining her law degree she participated in the PhD program at the Faculty of Law of University of Szeged, where she researched the legal practice and regulation of harassment in the Institute of Criminal Sciences. She had her master's degree in media law studies. Her main field of research is online stalking and cyberbullying as criminal act and the protection of the right to privacy by criminal law. Her current research topics are unconventional commercial speech on social media platforms, the legal issues of influencer marketing and the criminal practice of defamation in Hungary. Her research interests include the Hungarian and foreign criminal law regulation models of fake news. She was a lecturer at Károli Gáspár Reformed University and Milton Friedman University, and since spring 2022, she has worked as a research professor at the Mathias Corvinus College's Public Law Centre.