István Apróresearch associate


István Apró graduated from the University of Natural Sciences in Novi Sad with a degree in Research Biology in 1985 while at the same time studying Hungarian Literature at the Faculty of Humanities. He was a journalist and correspondent in Drávaszög (Serbia) for a Hungarian daily called Magyar Szó until 1991, and he worked as an expert on the Balkan countries from January 1992. After that, as head of the Ferenc Balázs Institute, he organised comparative sociological surveys among the four largest Hungarian communities abroad (Transylvania, Felvidék, Vajdaság, and Subcarpathia). He has been involved in the Strategic Research and Analysis Programme of ORTT since 2003, which became the Institute of Applied Communication Studies in 2005, where he worked as a research organiser. His literary works have appeared in newspapers and magazines in Vajdaság (Serbia) and Hungary since 1976. His independent volumes are Küldetés (1988), Három folyó (1989), Regénybrikett (1994), Az a nap (2006).